The elder scrolls 6 yokuda series#
As tensions between the Forerunners and the Crowns reached an understandable peak, neither of them came to the aid of the other during a series of attacks on the Redguard lands. The level of barbarism and treachery demonstrated during the Civil War will continue significantly throughout the history of Hammerfell in the Third Era. The Elder Scrolls 6 – Hammerfell in the Third Era As expected, this occupation met with serious resistance: the Empire eventually removed its military presence from Hammerfell and became more receptive to Yokudan culture by the end of the Second Era. As the Ancestors were on the verge of defeat, they agreed to a pact with Tiber Septim, the leader of the Cyrodiil Septim Empire, to ensure their victory at the cost of Hammerfell’s loyalty and loyalty to imperial rule. Hammerfell inexorably plunged into civil war due to the opposing ideologies of these two key groups in the year 862 of the Second Era. On the other hand, the Crowns firmly adhere to their commitment to Yokudan culture, criticizing the Ancestors for worshipping Tamriel gods and their attempts to assimilate the two cultures.

The ancestors are proud of their Yokudan heritage and the culture it possesses, but they are distinguished by a relatively higher level of acceptance of the rules and customs of Cyrodiil, the province considered the most powerful in all of Tamriel. Within the Redguards, two separate groups were formed, known as the Crowns and the Ancestors. Thriving holistically throughout Hammerfell, unlike any other previous inhabitants, the Redguards quickly established themselves among the diverse races of Tamriel. The Elder Scrolls 6 - Hammerfell in the Second Era A fierce and powerful warrior race, the Redguards quickly took control of the province, trying to preserve the culture and traditions of Yokuda.

The Red Guard originally originated from the Yokuda continent, landing on the shores of Hammerfell only after their homeland sank. For more than a century, Hammerfell remained ominously uncivilized until the mass arrival of Ra Gad or Redguard, 808. The lost Dwemer cities still remained in Hammerfell, and many fans speculated that Dwemer designs could replace the role of dragons in The Elder Scrolls 6. A technologically advanced race of Dwarves, some Dwemers inhabited Hammerfell until their unexplained and still debated disappearance in the year 700. Dwemers are one of the most fascinating races in The Elder Scrolls, largely because of the huge level of mystery that surrounds them. The real colonization of the province occurred only in 420, when the historical race known as the Dwemer began to densely populate the earth. In the beginning, the province was sparsely populated by ancient Elven groups on small sections of the Hammerfell coast. Hammerfell in the First Era was very different from what it would become later, initially being a largely uninhabited and inhospitable expanse of earth.